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2014-10-21 14:16   审核人:


Dr. Walter King Yan HO (何敬恩)

Dr. Walter King-yan Ho obtained his Master and PhD degree in Sydney University with physical education as his major study. His expertise focuses on sport sociology, comparative education, curriculum development and pedagogy study. Walter had ten years working experience as physical education teacher in primary and secondary schools. While he was working in the Sport Development Board and Curriculum Development Institute respectively in Hong Kong from 1995 to 2002, he managed different territory wide program such as the GO! Sport Program, Fitness Award Scheme for school children, curriculum development of Wushu and kept-in-charge of the Learning to Learn curriculum reform project in physical education.

Walter is now the President of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES), Vice-President in education of the International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) and Vice-President of FIEP for Asia. He works as Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Education in University of Macau. To develop the academic works of physical education and sport are the vision of him in working at the university. The successful organization of the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (2008) and the 7th National University Sport Climbing Championship (2009) marked some of his contributions in Macau. Walter actively involves in various research and developmental projects that cover areas in teaching of physical education, fitness and health development, academic programs in university and sports education. Currently he is involved in an international project on Quality Physical Education and Sport. The project is endorsed by International Committee of Sport Pedagogy; one of the working groups of ICSSPE. He also chairs the collaborative and exchange works with universities, postgraduate program in physical education, sport studies, fitness and health education with the education department in Macau, training of extra-curricular activities coordinators as well as strategic plan for sport development in government and university. Walter has also been a good contributor of papers on sport globalization, reform works in physical education, comparative works in sport studies and pedagogy during the past few years. His recent publication related to the social perspectives in physical education and Logos Verlag, Berlin was the publisher in 2009. The editorial works on ISCPES book series published by Meyer & Meyer Sport in 2010 marked the beginning of his systematic study on comparative works in physical education and sport. A few more translated works are now in progress and expects to be completed in late 2010.

何敬恩博士就读于澳洲Sydney University (悉尼大学),并在该校完成硕士及博士学位,主修体育,主要研究范畴包括运动社会学、比较教育、课程及体育教学等。早年曾于香港官立中小学任教,专职体育教学,1995-2002年期间先后任职于香港体育发展局及课程开发处,协助及参与策划多项体育发展工作,包括「活力高飞」儿童及青少年运动发展计划、学校体适能发展、中国传统武术课程及「学会学习」体育课程改革等。

何博士现就职于澳門大学教育学院,受聘为助理教授,同时任International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) (国际比较体育暨运动协会)会长,International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) (国际体育科学与教育理事会)副会长等职位。过去数年致力提升澳门地区高等院校运动与体育发展,例如2005年协助澳门大学教育学院成功开办体育与运动教育硕士课程,举办与体育及运动发展有关的活动,包括2008年7月举办第16届国际比较体育暨运动学会年会暨学术研讨会及关于2009年获取国务院同意于澳门地区举办第7届全国大学攀岩锦标赛。何博士多年来积极参与各项研究及发展计划,包括体育教学、课程规划、比较研究、运动教育及高等院校体育发展等,近年参与不同的国际及澳门地区研究及发展计划,例如ICSSPE辖下工作小组International Committee of Sport Pedagogy所倡导的素质体育与运动研究,澳门教育暨青年局学校体适能发展及学校「余暇活动人员」培训计划等。近年著作包括2009年出版Social Perspectives in Physical Education - Foundation and Experiences in Chinese Soil及2010年为国际比较体育暨运动学会书刊进行编译及撰写工作。

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